What a great group we had out Saturday! By our count, 26 folks came out to lend a hand! Got a bunch of stuff done (including some down-and dirty digging--thanks Mike and Kevin), and more thanks to Marianne Hugo (one of our Master Gardener friends) for helping promote the event, and, the Seal Beach Sun newspaper for getting the word out!
Although there are always chores to do, August is a down time for many of the native plants growing along the Trail. But, there are still lots of butterflies and birds! The rare Southern Tarplant (https://zippyandpeep.wixsite.com/monarchnaturetrail/post/thanks-and-fall-is-for-yellows) is in full bloom, right now, and attracts a variety of butterflies. Because of habitat loss, it is rated one of the rarest Claifornia native plants. Come take a walk, and see what you can find!
Harvesting narrow-leaf milkweed and monkeyflower seeds. More plants to come!